Finding the Rainbow After the Storm: Coping With Change

Rainbow after storm

As some of you know, the Chicago area has been experiencing some devastating summer storms. There are many people and families that lost everything to damaging floods and/or experienced heavy damage to personal property due to high winds and hail. As rivers and lakes are experiencing record-setting levels, people are trying to figure out if they will be able to return to their homes and are anxious over what awaits them once they are finally let back in to assess the damage and determine their futures.

As I walked in the door Friday, crabby from heavy traffic from road construction and still angry that my Rx wasn’t ready when they said it would be, I watched the news and listened to people tell their stories of how they are impacted by these disasters and thought that my issues are really nothing to take seriously.

I have never experienced a weather related disaster and so I can’t help but wonder how awful it must feel to have only the clothes on your back with the probability of not returning to the home where you grew up or raised your family and resume your normal life. As individuals affected by the floods and storm damage struggle with the reality of what’s next in their lives, it puts into perspective what’s important. Trying to find good in new beginnings is always a challenge.

It’s important to mourn the loss, embrace the “current” and celebrate the “new.” These ideas also apply to coping with and responding positively to the implementation of work-related Changes that may be beyond our control.

How can RAO Solutions help you manage the Change facing you or your organization? It’s important to keep in mind that the stress associated with Change comes from things we have no control over. Feel comforted that you can manage your organization’s reaction to Change with something as simple as planning and communicating.

RAO Solutions can help your organization develop innovative strategies and comprehensive plans to support the individuals impacted by change. By creating a targeted Change Strategy and Communications Plan, we introduce transparency into what can be a confusing and stressful time for employees.

It starts with being open to new ideas, communicating, and remaining confident in your abilities to push forward—regardless of the scenario you are facing.

Contact us to learn more about how RAO Solutions can help with Change Management.